Strategy, Planning & Modelling

Challenge: Our client wanted to raise awareness of the benefits and uses of Whole System Modelling and Simulation within the region.

Solution:  Park Street Consulting organised a one-day conference comprising presentations by leading industry suppliers of modelling software, consultancy and training, and clinicians and academics with practical experience of modelling and simulation.

Outcome:  Over 50 people attended the event and included a mixture of clinical and non-clinical staff from Acute Trusts, Mental Health Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Councils, Academic Health Science Centres and Public Health England.

It was judged to be highly successful and generated significant interest in using modelling and simulation.  The client is now working with partners to create a modelling and simulation community and apply the techniques to improve services and reduce costs.

Challenge: Our client was facing significant pressure from its major commissioner to reduce its local prices and sought our help in defending its income levels.

Solution: We carried out a thorough review of the hospital’s activity, costing and billing data, using it to identify potential opportunities and then to create a flexible forecasting model to demonstrate their impact. Following deep engagement with clinical teams on specific initiatives and a series of review sessions with the senior finance team and operational managers, we developed a full pricing strategy to inform the trust’s negotiations with its commissioners.

Outcome: The settlement reached between our client and its commissioners was at the lowest end of the range of possible outcomes. In addition, the finance team had an improved understanding of the drivers of income for the hospital and were better placed to give good business support to their divisional leadership teams.