All posts by: George Woodman

About George Woodman

Challenge: Following a merger our charity client wished to expand Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services, aware that its bid preparation capability required enhancement. The client needed to improve awareness of the commissioning and procurement landscape within which it would be operating. Solution: Provision of a bespoke bid review process to ensure that the quality of […]

Challenge: Our client requested advice and guidance on how to proceed with re-procurement of a service beset with performance issues in the first 12 months of operation. Our review revealed a flawed procurement with many issues arising from the original exercise that had occurred at the transition from PCTs to CCGs. Solution: Our recommendation focused on supporting […]

Challenge: As part of its horizon scanning process our client wanted to identify what new technologies to recommend to commissioners and asked us to review the NICE’s Medical Technology Evaluation Programme guidance. Solution: We prepared a précis of each medical technologies guidance which detailing whether the technology was recommended for adoption by NICE, whether it […]

Challenge: Our client had suffered a staff retention problem within its contract management team during a period of upheaval in the local health economy. Loss of key staff put the organisation at risk in a period of contract renewal with major acute hospitals and the community services provider. Solution: Park Street Consulting provided a contract manager to […]

Challenge: Following a merger our client wished to expand IAPT services, aware that its bid preparation capability required enhancement. The client needed to improve awareness of the commissioning and procurement landscape within which it would be operating. Solution: Park Street Consulting provided a bespoke bid review process to ensure that the quality of bids truly reflected the […]

Challenge: Our client wanted to raise awareness of the benefits and uses of Whole System Modelling and Simulation within the region. Solution:  Park Street Consulting organised a one-day conference comprising presentations by leading industry suppliers of modelling software, consultancy and training, and clinicians and academics with practical experience of modelling and simulation. Outcome:  Over 50 people attended the […]