Andrew Moore
“Paint a picture of what you are trying to achieve. Once people are able to imagine the future, they are better equipped to make their way there.”
Recent experience: Andrew has worked with a number of primary care trusts; negotiating provider services contracts; managing acute contracts; and developing out of hours access processes.
Career: His specialist areas include change management, contract management, and process design applying these skills across health bodies, charities and in the commercial sector. Andrew also worked with Reuters for 14 years where he held roles in IM&T, logistics, facilities, purchasing, and developing accommodation strategy.
- managed ground-breaking contracts for five Independent Sector Treatment Centres to achieve integration with local health economies (these now rate as ‘best practice’)
- developed services for 24-hour community nursing and provided community beds for respite care
- implemented radical changes in purchasing and facilities for a major UK charity; managing decentralisation and outsourcing from head office
- mobilised a GP out-of-hours service, covering a population of one million. This included business plan development, organisational design, pricing and funding.
Education: Sheffield University and Imperial College, London.